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散户爱赌股市处女秀/麦传球 - Retail love gambling stock market virgin show/Mai Chuan ball

Writer's picture: FaronFaron

由于冠病大流行,过去两年在马来西亚交易所的首次公开募股(IPO)一直受到影响。 经过市场和经济形势的改善,不少在前两年推迟的IPO,终于在今年上市了。这对新上市公司、证券交易所、股票经纪人以及我们这些散户来说,都是一个好消息。 对于大多数散户来说,投资股票最具挑战性的方面是公司评估。然而,对于投资 IPO 股票来说,这可能是最简单的部分,因为公司刚刚完成了上市赞助商/顾问对公司业绩的全面评估。 在创业板市场上市,不需要任何收入和利润历史纪录,但任何入场都必须通过保荐人,而大多数时候保荐人是一家投资银行。 保荐人根据上市要求,代表申请人提出上市申请。他还必须在申请人进入创业板市场后,担任申请人的保荐人(至少一个完整财政年度内)。 创业板基本要求的保荐期是三年,或持续到上市公司公布其第一年的营业收入。因此,如果保荐期限延长,IPO 的上市成本也将上升。 保荐人必须为这些公司提供建议和指导,以遵守上市规则。他们也必须充分对公司业务有良好的了解、调查内部控制和风险管理系统等。

上市马交所3选择: 1. 主板: 是在质量、规模和运营方面达到标准的成熟公司。主板市场的潜在发行人,必须证明他们已达到最低利润纪录或以市值衡量的最低规模。 2. 创业板: 是一个保荐人驱动的市场,专为具有增长前景的公司而设计。它在 2009 年 8 月 3 日之前被称为 MESDAQ 市场。保荐人必须评估潜在发行人的适合性,同时考虑到业务前景、公司行为和内部控制的充分性等属性。 3. LEAP: LEAP是一个顾问驱动的市场,旨在通过资本市场为包括中小企业在内的新兴公司,提供更大的融资渠道和知名度。它只对成熟的投资者开放(根据 2007 年资本市场和服务法的规定)。 与 LEAP市场相比,主板和创业板是从机构投资者和普通散户那里筹集资金的。

3策略交易新股 再谈IPO上市,今年最新的上市公司是在 10 月 26 日上市的必达美(BETA)。 这家专门为汽车行业设计和开发、采购和制造定制电子产品和零部件的电子制造服务(EMS)解决方案提供商表示,共收到 6682 份申请,申请 406,311,800 股新股,而被公众超额认购 17.06 倍。 对于那些以 RM0.615 开盘价购买的幸运儿,他们可能从必达美赚了 23% 到 100%(以发行价 RM0.50、开盘价 RM0.615 和最高价 RM1.00 计算)。 我的一些学生当天在我们的每日早间实时市场和股票简报中成为幸运的赢家,我们向他们解释,如何在没有太多技术指标的情况下,以日内交易策略与技术来交易新股,如下: 1. 市场兴趣 首先要了解公司的背景。是的,我同意你的观点,作为交易者,我们可以专注或使用 100% 的技术分析进行交易,但了解公司的背景,以提高胜率并没有什么坏处,尤其是在上午9点刚开市后,我们是没有任何数据可以做技术分析的。 从公开的信息中,我能够收集到有关公司背景的以下信息: ●随着混合动力、电动和自动驾驶汽车获得全球市场份额,必达美也处于独特的位置,可以利用这一不断增长的市场趋势,并通过具有竞争力的解决方案扩大和多样化产品供应。 ●就公司估值而言,该公司发行价为RM0.50,而的大众银行投行对必达美的估值为RM0.56。 从以上信息,我知道该股票的市场兴趣(人气)将高于平均水平,基于它是EMS行业公司,董事总经理是米占马哈迪(政治和选举主题?),被马来西亚公众超额认购 17.06 倍等。 2. 适合交易和投机 ●首次公开募股将从发行 6750 万股新股中筹集约 3380 万令吉。(发行的股份不多,市值被认为相对较小) ●合盈证券(M&A)是这家 IPO 的顾问、保荐人、承销商和配售代理。(经验丰富的公司帮助众多IPO公司在新上市时表现出色) ●发行价 RM0.50 以上信息告诉我,这只股票适合日内和短期交易或投机目的,来快速获利。(价格低但不会太低,不会导致交易者在价格水平下跌时损失很大的百分比) 3. 会上涨到更高价位? ●当市场开市时,股票从 IPO 价格跳高开至 RM0.615。 ●从卖单方面,我注意到在最后完成的价格水平的接下来的 9 个价格水平内,有一些大卖单。 ●从 1 分钟和 30 秒图表来看,价格并没有大幅回撤,尤其是当我使用斐波那契回撤检查时。 上述信息告诉我,尽管我仍然无法使用常规 MACD、随机 RSI 或智能资金流来分析价格趋势,但价格仍处于健康的上升趋势中。 当然,还有一些其他的交易技巧可以让我们决定: ●何时应该卖出。 ●创出新高后,下一个目标价在哪里? ●如果错过了第一次价格上涨波段,如何确定价格是否已经触底并反转,以便我们可以在第二次价格上涨波段中抓住低点?

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Due to the popularity of coronary diseases, the first public offering (IPO) on the Malaysian Stock Exchange has been affected in the past two years.

After the improvement of the market and economic situation, many IPOs that have been postponed in the previous two years have finally been listed this year. This is good news for new listed companies, stock exchanges, stock brokers, and our retail investors.

For most retail investors, the most challenging aspect of investment stocks is the company's evaluation. However, for investment IPO stocks, this may be the easiest part, because the company has just completed a comprehensive assessment of the company's performance of the company's performance.

Listing in the GEM market does not require any historical records of income and profit, but any entry must be spoken, and most of the time spokesman is an investment bank.

According to the requirements of the listing, the sponsor represents the applicant's application for listing. He must also be the sponsors of the applicant after entering the GEM market (at least one complete financial year).

The basic requirements for the GEM are three years, or they continue to announce their operating income in the first year. Therefore, if the sponsor period is extended, the cost of the IPO will also increase.

The sponsor must provide suggestions and guidance for these companies to abide by the listing rules. They must also have a good understanding of the company's business, investigating internal control and risk management systems.

Listing Malaysia Stock Exchange 3 option:

1. Motherboard:

It is a mature company that achieves standards in quality, scale and operation. The potential issuer of the motherboard market must prove that they have reached the minimum profit record or the minimum scale measured at a market value.

2. GEM:

It is a sponsor -driven market, designed for companies with growth prospects. It was called the MESDAQ market before August 3, 2009. The sponsor must evaluate the adaptability of the potential issuer, and at the same time, considering the attributes of business prospects, corporate behavior, and internal control.

3. Leap:

LEAP is a consultant -driven market, which aims to provide greater financing channels and popularity through the capital market for emerging companies including SMEs. It is only open to mature investors (in accordance with the 2007 capital market and service law).

Compared with the LEAP market, the motherboard and the GEM have raised funds from institutional investors and ordinary retail investors.

3 strategy trading new shares

Talking about the IPO listing, the latest listed company this year is Beta, which was listed on October 26.

This electronic manufacturing service (EMS) solution provider specifically for the design and development, procurement and manufacturing of customized electronic products and components for the automotive industry said that a total of 6682 applications were received, 406,311,800 new shares were applied, and the public was excessively subscribed for 17.06 Note.

For those lucky people who bought at RM0.615, they may earn 23% to 100% from Bida Meimei (based on the issue price RM0.50, the opening price RM0.615, and the highest price RM1.00).

Some of my students became lucky winners in our daily real -time market and stock briefings that day. We explained to them how to trade new shares with within the day without many technical indicators. The

1. Market interest

First of all, you must understand the company's background. Yes, I agree with your point of view. As traders, we can focus on or use 100% technical analysis for transactions, but understanding the company’s background to increase the win rate is not bad, especially after opening the market at 9 am just opened the market in the morning We have no data to do technical analysis.

From the public information, I can collect the following information about the background of the company:

● As hybrids, electric and autonomous vehicles have obtained global market share, Bidami is also in a unique position. It can use this growing market trend and expand and supply diversified products through competitive solutions.

● As far as the company's valuation is concerned, the company's issue price is RM0.50, and Volkswagen Investment Bank's valuation of Bidami is RM0.56.

From the above information, I know that the market interest (popularity) of the stock will be higher than the average level. Based on it is the EMS industry company, the managing director is Miming Mahathir (the theme of politics and election?). Wait.

2. Suitable for transactions and speculation

● The first public offering will raise about RM33.8 million from the issuance of 67.5 million new shares. (There are not many issued shares, and the market value is considered relatively small)

● m ● (M & A) is a consultant, sponsor, underwriter and distribution agent of this IPO. (Experienced companies help many IPO companies perform well at the time of new listing)

● issue price RM0.50

The above information tells me that this stock is suitable for fast -term and short -term transactions or speculative purposes to quickly profit. (The price is low but not too low, which will not cause traders to lose a lot of loss when the price level falls)

3. Will it rise to a higher price?

● When the market opens, the stock jumps from the IPO to RM0.615.

● From selling unilaterally, I noticed that there were some selling orders within the next 9 price level of the final price level.

● From a 1 -minute and 30 -second chart, the price has not been retracted significantly, especially when I use Fibonacci to retreat.

The above information tells me that although I still cannot use conventional MACD, random RSI or smart capital flows to analyze the price trend, the price is still in a healthy upward trend.

Of course, there are some other trading techniques that allow us to decide:

● When should it be sold.

● After creating a new high, where is the next target price?

● If the first price rising band is missed, how to determine whether the price has bottomed out and reversed, so that we can grasp the low in the second price rising band?

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